98 Commercial Drive
Thomastown VIC 3074
Call us
(03) 9464 6555
Shopping Cart
Acoustic and visual warning devices
Cable accessories
Control circuit switching
Electrical Enclosures
Enclosure accessories
Flexible conduit & fittings
Industrial switches and plugs
Metering products
Motor control products
Power distribution products
Power switching products
Transformers and power supplies
VSD's and soft starters
Acoustic and visual warning devices
Flush mount
Panel mount
Surface mount
Panel mount
Surface moun
Surface mount
Strobe lights
Surface mount indicator lights
Tower lights
Direct mounted
LED Flashing modules
Pole mounted
Tower light Accessories
Warning lights
Base mounted
Wall mounted
Warning lights with sounders
Cable accessories
Blanking plug
Boot lace pins
Cable glands
Cable tie bases
Cable ties
Stainless steel
Copper crimp links
Copper lugs
Long palm lugs
Narrow Palm Lugs
Standard straight and flared
Crimpers and cable cutter tools
Crimper for insulated terminals
Crimpers for boot lace pins
Crimpers for copper lugs
Din Rail Cutter
Ratchet cable cutters
Loom tube
Memocab wire numbers
Wire number holders
Wire numbers
Nylon snap bushings
Pre insulated terminals
Fully insulated quick connect terminals female
Pre insulated butt splice terminals
Pre insulated quick connect terminals female
Pre insulated quick connect terminals male
Pre insulated wire pin terminals
Ring Terrminals
Spade terminals
Screwed bushes
Spiral binding
Control circuit switching
22mm Control circuit device enclosures and labels
BOXCO range
Comepi range
Pushbutton enclosure
Pushbutton enclosure label
RMQ Titan range
Pushbutton enclosure
Pushbutton flush mount plates
Tend range
Pushbutton enclosure
Acoustic indicator
Air switches
Cam switches
Eaton range
Kraus & Naimer range
Compact limit switches
Compact micro switches
Emergency stop switches
Comepi ECX & SA range
RMQ Titan range
Tend range
Float switches
Foot Switches
Hoist switches
Comepi ECX range
Tend range
Lamp Test Diode Block
Limit Switches
Lockable panel mounted Isolators
Kraus & Naimer
Micro Switches
Pantry door switch
Pilot lights
Comepi ECX range
Eureka PL16 range
Eureka PL22 range
RMQ Titan range
Extended conical type
Flush type
LED element block
Pilot lights lense
Test function block
Tend range
Pilot lights complete with Buzzers
Comepi ECX range
Contact block
Enclosed pushbuttons
flush spring return
Illuminated spring return
RMQ Titan range
Contact block
Dual type stop / start
Enclosed pushbuttons
extended spring return
flush spring return
Illuminated flush latching
Illuminated spring return
Illuminated spring return extended type
Labels and lenses
Mushroom head
stay put
Tend range
Contact block
Dual type stop / start
Enclosed pushbuttons
extended latching
extended spring return
flush latching
flush non latching
flush spring return
Illuminated mushroom head
illuminated spring return
Illuminated spring return extended type
labels and lenses
mushroom head
Safety gate hinges
Safety Limit Switches
Selector switches
Comepi ECX range
2 position
3 position
key switches
RMQ Titan range
2 position
3 position
Key switches
Tend range
2 position
3 position
key switches
Swing gate and roller door controllers
Gate opening accessories
Roller Door Controllers
Swing gate opening systems
Temperature controllers
Panel mount temperature controller
Transmitter and receiver FOB'S
Transmitters and receivers hand held
Unswitched socket outlet
Electrical Enclosures
ABS & Polycarbonate BOXCO enclosures accessories
Accessories to suit BOXCO enclosures
Internal door kits for AGP / ATP BOXCO enclosures
Mounting plates for BOXCO enclosure
ABS Enclosures
Grey body & Clear hinged lid BOXCO
Grey body & Clear screwed lid BOXCO
Grey body & Grey hinged lid BOXCO
Grey body & Grey screwed lid BOXCO
Terminal boxes with terminals
with cut outs to suit temperature controllers
Die cast Aluminium junction boxes
Mounting plate to suit BOXCO Die Cast Aluminium
Terminal box
Mild and Stainless steel wall mounted encl access
Inner door kit suits CVS wall mounted enclosure
Internal modular chassis suits CVS wall mount encl
Key locks
Mild steel Bayable enclosures
Grey RAL 7035
Inner door kit suits CVS Bayable enclosure
Mild steel Bayable enclosures accessories
Mild steel free standing
Grey RAL 7035
Inner door kit suits CVS free standing enclosure
Orange X15
Mild steel Terminal boxes
Mild steel wall mounted enclosures
Grey RAL 7035
Orange X15
Rain hood suits CVS wall mounted enclosure
Grey body & Clear hinged lid BOXCO
Grey body & Clear screwed lid BOXCO
Grey body & Grey hinged lid BOXCO
Grey body & Grey screwed lid BOXCO
Grey hinged lid & internal door BOXCO
Wall mounted with hinged door
Grey body & Clear screwed lid Gewiss
Grey body & Grey screwed lid Gewiss
PVC enclosures accessories
Stainless steel wall mounted Enclosures
304 Stainless steel
316 Stainless steel
Enclosure accessories
Busbar Insulators
Cable marking products
Equipment marking
Plant marking
Terminal marking
Therrmofox wire markers
Covered Meter Links
Active links
Clear links
Neutral Links
Cubicle lights
Din rail
Earth & Neutral bars
250A & 400A
Complete fan kits with fan and vent kits
Fan only
Fan vent kits only
Fans wire guard
Link bars
PVC tape
RCD Adaptors
Self adhesive tape
Slotted duct
Slotted duct lid only
Small finger grey
Standard finger grey
Switchboard hardware
Terminal block cassette type
Terminal block Porcelain type
Terminal din mounted label
Terminal din mounted lab
Phoenix contact UT, ST & PT terminal range
Terminal strips
Terminals Bi-metal
Terminals din mounted
Marker strips for Phoenix UT, ST & PT terminals
Phoenix contact UT, ST & PT terminal range
Terminal bridging bars
Eureka ATB range
Phoenix contact UT, ST & PT terminal range
Tend TBU range
Terminal din mounted Earth
Eureka ATB range
Phoenix Contact PT range
Phoenix Contact ST range
Phoenix Contact UT range
Tend TBU range
Terminal din mounted label
Eureka ATB range
Phoenix contact UT, ST & PT terminal range
Tend TBU range
Terminal din partition plate
Phoenix Contact PT range
Phoenix Contact ST range
Phoenix Contact UT range
Tend TBU range
Terminal end clamp
Eureka ATB range
Phoenix Contact UT range
Tend TBU range
Terminal end plate
Eureka ATB range
Phoenix Contact ST range
Phoenix Contact UT range
Tend TBU range
Terminal fused
Phoenix Contact PT range
Phoenix Contact ST range
Phoenix Contact UT range
Tend TBU range
Terminals feed through
Eureka ATB range
Phoenix Contact PT range
Phoenix Contact ST range
Phoenix Contact UT range
Tend TBU range
Flexible conduit & fittings
Earth tag washers
Fixing clamps
Fixing Clips with PVC liner
Mounting saddles Nylon
Mounting saddles Zinc
Sealing washers
Shake proof washers
Corrugated PVC
FPAS Corrugated nylon
FSB Galvanised steel braided
FSU Galvanised steel PVC coated
FU Galvanised steel ZINC
LPC Smooth spiral reinforced PVC
LTP Galvanised steel Polyurethane liquid tight
LTP Galvanised steel PVC liquid tight
SSU Stainless steel 316
Corrugated PVC fittings
FLK fast fit Corrugated nylon fittings
FPA and FPAX Corrugated nylon fittings
FPA Corrugated nylon fittings
FSB Galvanised steel braided fittings
FSU Galvanised steel PVC coated fittings
FU Galvanised steel ZINC fittings
LPC Smooth spiral reinforced PVC fittings
LTP EXD flameproof glands
LTP EXE flameproof glands
LTP Galvanised steel PVC liquid tight fittings
LTPB EXD flameproof glands
SSU Stainless steel 316 fittings
Industrial switches and plugs
GEN3 industrial range
Appliance inlets
Extension sockets
Mounting enclosures bases only & Covers
Angled plugs
Straight plugs
Surface sockets & switches
Surface sockets
Switched Socket Outlets
IEC 309 range
Appliance inlets
Appliance inlets
Watertight caps for Appliance inlets
90 degree plugs
Straight plugs
Reefer Plugs and Outlets
Socket outlets
90 degree surface socket outlets
Extension socket outlets
Panel mount socket outlets
Surface socket outlets
Switched socket outlets
IP68 Cable connectors, plugs & sockets
Inline connectors
Inline distributor
Inline female socket
Inline male plug
Panel mount female socket
Panel mount male plug
Tee connector
Tee plug complete unit
Marechal Decontactors and accessories
Socket Inlets male
Socket outlets female
Wall boxes
Multi pole connectors
Complete units with socket and housing
Housings and accessories
Metering products
22mm metered indicator lights
Ammeter - Voltmeter
Frequency meter
Ammeter scales to suit 72 x 72mm meters
Ammeter scales to suit 96 x 96mm meters
Ammeters 48 x 48mm
Ammeters 72 x 72mm
Ammeters 96 x 96mm
Current transformers
Compact 3 in 1 with 250mA secondary
Compact solid core
Din clip to suit RCT1 - RCT4 & CRCT
Rogowski type with 2M cable
Solid core
Class 0.5
Class 1
Solid core 3 in 1
Split core
Class 0.5
Class 1
Kilowatt Hour Meters
Multi function power meters
Portable power analyser meters
Motor control products
Eaton X-Start range Contactor Accessories
Auxiliary contacts suits mini frame contactors
Auxiliary contacts suits standard frame Contactors
Contactor reversing wiring kit for mini frame
Contactor reversing wiring kit for standard frame
Contactor star delta wiring kit for standard frame
Mechanical interlock for mini frame
Mechanical interlock for standard frame
Eaton X-Start range Contactors
Mini frame
Standard frame
Eureka range Contactors
LS Electric Metasol range Contactors
mini frame
Standard frame
LS Electric Metasol range Contactors Accessories
Auxiliary contact suits mini frame contactors
Auxiliary contact suits standard frame Contactors
Contactor wiring kit for standard frame
Mechanical interlock for mini frame
Mechanical interlock for standard frame
Terminal covers
Counters & hour run meters
Hour run meter
Current Sensing Relays
DOL starters
Eaton range DOL Starters
Tend range DOL Starters
Earth leakage relays & toroids
Earth leakage Relays DIN mount
Earth leakage toroids
Liquid level controller
Motor protective circuit breakers
Eaton range
Lockable rotary handle
PKZM0 range with rotary handle
PKZM0/01 Commoning bars
PKZM0/01 Enclosure with membrane
PKZM0/01 wiring kit kits
PKZM0/01/4 range electrical accessories
PKZM01 range with button operation
PKZM4 range with rotary handle
LS Electric range
MMS range connection kit
MMS range electrical accessories
MMS range with rotary handles
MMS range with toggle handles
Eaton X-Start range
Stand alone overload base
Suits mini frame contactors
Suits standard frame contactors
LS Electic Metasol range
Electronic type suits standard frame contactors
Stand alone overload base
Suits mini frame contactors
Suits standard frame contactors
Photo electric beams
Relays Eaton
Block relays
Phase fail relays
Thermistor overload relays
Relays Eureka
Heavy Duty Relays
Isolation relays
Phase fail relays
Round pin relays
TMK2 Round 8 pin relays with test button
TMK3 Round 11 pin relays with test button
Solid state relays
Square pin relays
TLY2 Square 8 pin relay bases
TLY2 Square 8 pin relays with test button
TMY4 Square 14 pin relay bases
TMY4 Square 14 pin relays with test button
Voltage monitoring relays
Relays Omron
Round pin relays
MKS Omron 2 pole Round pin relay bases
MKS Omron 2 pole Round pin relays with test button
MKS Omron 3 pole Round pin relay bases
MKS Omron 3 pole Round pin relays with test button
Slimline relays
Omron 1 pole Slimline relay base
Omron 1 pole Slimline relays with test button
Omron 2 pole Slimline relay base
Omron 2 pole Slimline relays with test button
Square pin relays
LY2 Omron 8 Square pin relay bases
LY2 Omron 8 Square pin relays without test button
LY4 Omron 14 Square pin relay bases
LY4 Omron 14 Square pin relays without test button
MY2 Omron 8 Square pin relay bases
MY2 Omron 8 Square pins relays with test button
MY4 Omron 14 Square pin relay bases
MY4 Omron 14 Square pin relays with test button
Ultra slim relays
Omron 1 pole Ultra slim relays with test button
Omron Bridging bar for ultra slim relays
Relays Phoenix
Phase fail relay
Phoenix Plug in bridge suit RIF1 to RIF4 relays
Phoenix Ultra slim 1 pole PLC relays with base
Phoenix Ultra slim 2 pole PLC relays with base
Phoenix Ultra slim PLC relays bridging bars
RIF-1 1 pole Phoenix Slimline relays with base
RIF-1 2 pole Phoenix Slimline Base only
RIF-1 2 pole Phoenix Slimline relays with base
RIF-2 2 pole Phoenix Square pin relays with base
RIF-2 4 pole Phoenix Square pin relays with base
RIF-3 3 pole Phoenix Round pin relays with base
RIF-4 2 pole Phoenix Square pin relays with base
RIF-4 3 pole Phoenix Square pin relays with base
RIF-O Phoenix Ultra slim relays with base
Secondary switching controllers
Signal Transducer
Star Delta starters
Closed type
Open type
Time clocks
Din mount Analogue time clocks
Din mount digital time clocks
Timing relays
Din Mounted Timing Relays
Plug in multi range timing relays
Solid state timing relays
Power distribution products
Air Circuit breakers
Din mount enclosures
Distribution Boards
Electrical installation accessories
Eureka enclosure system
Accessory modules AB enclosures
Accessory modules AB enclosures 300mm deep
Brackets, shrouds, accessories and connection tags
Cable termination enclosures
Cable zones
Depth extension kits
Enclosure segregation components
Escutcheon white blank
Escutcheon white din type
Escutcheon white MCCB m/sw with vertical MCB slots
Escutcheon white with vertical MCB slots vertical
Flush mounting kits
Gear pans
Gland plates and ventillation louvres
Incoming cable enclosure
Metering components
Mounting rails
Rain hoods
Load centres
Load centre IP42
flush mount white door metal base
Load centre Padlocking kit
Surface mount transparent door
Surface mount white door
Load centre IP55
Load centre IP65
Load centre mild steel IP40
Transparent door mounting kit
MCB enclosures
Miniature Circuit Breakers
Eaton range
Commoning bars
Eureka range
LS range
Miniature circuit breakers chassis
Isolation type suits Eureka MCB / RCBO
Isolation type Bottom feed
Isolation type dual feed
Isolation type top feed
Suits Eaton MCB / RCBO
Suits Eureka and LS MCB / RCBO
Moulded case circuit breaker chassis
Eureka double sided suits Susol MCCB
Eureka single sided suits Susol MCCB
Moulded case circuit breakers
Eaton NZM range
125-250A 25kA 3 pole Thermal Magnetic MCCB
220-630A 50kA 3 pole Thermal Magnetic MCCB
40-160A 25kA 3 pole Thermal Magnetic MCCB
630-1600A 50kA 3 pole Thermal Magnetic MCCB
90-220A 50kA 3 pole Thermal Magnetic MCCB
Rotary Handles and Accessories
LS Electric SUSOL range
100-800A 3&4 pole Non Auto
16-160A 50kA 1 pole Thermal Magnetic MCCB
32-250A 50kA 3&4 pole Electronic
32-250A 50kA 3&4 pole Thermal Magnetic MCCB
32-250A 65kA 3&4 pole Electronic
32-250A 65kA 3&4 pole Thermal Magnetic MCCB
32-250A 85kA 3&4 pole Electronic
32-250A 85kA 3&4 pole Thermal Magnetic MCCB
400-630A 65kA 3&4 pole Electronic
400-630A 85kA 3&4 pole Electronic
800-1600A 50kA 3&4 pole Electronic
800-1600A 70kA 3&4 pole Electronic
800A 65kA 3&4 pole Electronic
800A 85kA 3&4 pole Electronic
Barriers and connection kits for TS1600
Electrical accessories
Locking devices
Mechanical interlocks
Motor Operators
RCD add on units
Rear connection studs
Rotary Handles and accessories
Terminal covers
Terminal Spreaders
Residual current circuit breakers
Eaton range
6kA 2pole
Residual current circuit breakers RCBO
Eaton range
10kA 1 pole
6kA 1 pole
Eureka range
10kA 1 pole
10kA 3 pole
6kA 1 pole
Residual current devices RCD
Eureka range
2 pole
4 pole
Surge arrestor
Switch disconnectors
Eaton range
Eureka range
Temporary supply switchboard
Power switching products
Changeover switches
Changeover switches Automatic type open
Changeover switches Automatic MCB type open
Changeover switches Automatic MCCB type open
Up to 1200A 3 & 4 pole
Up to 800A 3 pole
Changeover switches Automatic type open
Changeover switches din rail mounted
Changeover switches manual type enclosed
Changeover switches manual type open
Emergency lighting test kit
Fuses and fuse holders
3AG glass fuses and fuse holder
BS HRC fuses to 800A
Fuse switch disconnector DIN mount to 32A
TFBR DIN Fuse bases
Fuse switch disconnectors and NHG fuses
Fuse switch disconnectors up to 400A
NHG type to suit NHR17 fuse switch disconnectors
NHG type to suit NHR17 fuse switch disconnectors
M205 glass fuses to 20A
NHG type to suit NHR17 fuse switch disconnectors
NS Fuse bases and fuses
NS Fuse link holder
NS HRC fuses
Service fuses
GPO,s din mount
GPO,s weatherproof
Din rail mounted
Panel mounted
Load break switches
Load break switches 25-125A Din mount ENSTO
Load break switch accessories
Load break switches with lockable handle
Load break switches without handle
Load break switches 25-3150A C+S
Load break switch accessories
Load break switches c/w external handle and shaft
Reversing switches
Toggle Switches
Transformers and power supplies
Power supplies
DRC range Meanwell
EDR range Meanwell
Essential range Phoenix Contact
HDR range Meanwell
LRS Range Meanwell
MDR range Meanwell
NDR range Meanwell
Quint range Phoenix Contact
RSP range Meanwell
SDR range Meanwell
TDR range Meanwell
Trio range Phoenix Contact
UNO range Phoenix Contact
WDR range Meanwell
Compact transformers
Multi Tapped voltages
Special voltages
Standard voltages
VSD's and soft starters
Soft starters
Eaton DS7 range
Eaton S811+ range
Variable speed drives
Delta C-2000 range
Delta VFD-E range
Eaton DC1 range
Eaton DE1 range
Eaton DG1 range
Eaton DH1 range
Shop by Brand
Engineering / Manufacturing & AS/NZS 61439
AS/NZS 61439 Compliance
What is AS/NZS 61439 and requirements?
Assemblers instructions to meet AS/NZS 61439.2/.3
Declaration of conformity letter for assemblers
Test report - Routine verification of an assembly
Temperature rise calculation software
Engineering capabilities
Manufacturing capabilities
Contactor cross reference and motor ratings chart
Download centre
N.A.W Controls 2020 trade price catalogue
CAD blocks
Eureka Distribution Board and enclosure system
AB blank enclosures
AB03 IP42 & IP56
AB04 IP42 & IP56
AB06 IP42 & IP56
AB07 IP42 & IP56
AB09 IP42 & IP56
AB10 IP42 & IP56
AB12 IP42 & IP56
AB15 IP42 & IP56
AB18 IP42 & IP56
AB21 IP42 & IP56
CBB Din enclosures
CBB03-01 IP42 & IP56
CBB04-02 IP42 & IP56
CBB06-03 IP42 & IP56
CBB09-04 IP42 & IP56
CBB10-05 IP42 & IP56
CBB12-06 IP42 & IP56
CBB15-08 IP42 & IP56
CBB18-09 IP42 & IP56
CBB21-11 IP42 & IP56
Distribution boards MDB & LDB ranges
IP40 LDB 250A
IP42 MDB 250A MCCB distribution board
IP42 MDB 250A Non-Auto Main Switch distribution bo
IP42 MDB 400A DSU MCCB distribution board
IP56 MDB 250A MCCB distribution boar
IP56 MDB 250A Non-Auto Main Switch distribution bo
IP56 MDB 400A DSU MCCB distribution board
Eureka enclosure system accessories
Metering mounting kit
Cable zones
DB-CB-EUR chassis bkt
DB-ENLBKT50 E&N bkt 50mm
DB-RH60 Rain hood
DB-RMUL6 segregation bottom piece
DB-RMUL6S-W segregation top piece
DB-TAG250 250A connection tag
DB-TAG400 400A connection tag
DB din rails
CVS enclosures
Wall mount mild steel enclosures
Wall mount stainless steel enclosures
Free standing enclosures
Bayable enclosures
Wall mount enclosure accessories
Wall mount inner door kits
Wall mount rain hoods
Wall mount internal chassis
LS products
Susol MCCB's & Accessories
TD160H 1 pole MCCB
TS100/160/250 MCCB
TS400/630-3 MCCB
TS1000/1250/1600 MCCB
LS-EH2-S-TS extended handle
LS-EH3-S-TS extended handle
LS-EH4-S-TS Extended handle
LS-EH5-S-TS extended handle
Metasol contactors and overloads
Metasol MC 6A -150A contactors
Metasol MC 185A - 800A Contactors
Metasol MT 32 - 800 overloads
GMP overloads
GMC mini contactors GMC-6M - GMC-16M
GTK mini overloads
Metasol UZ overload mounts
Metasol contactor accessories
Susol and Metasol ACB's
AN16D3-16A DRAW OUT ACB 70KA 1600A 3P
AN16D3-16H FIXED ACB 70KA 1600A 3P
AN25E3-25A DRAW OUT ACB 70KA 2500A 3P
AN25E3-25H FIXED ACB 70KA 2500A 3P
AN32E3-32A DRAW OUT ACB 70KA 3200A 3P
AN32E3-32H FIXED ACB 70KA 3200A 3P
AS20D3-20A DRAW OUT ACB 70KA 2000A 3P
AS20D3-20H FIXED ACB 70K 2000A 3P
AS40E3-40A DRAW OUT ACB 70KA 4000A 3P
AS50F3-50A DRAW OUT ACB 85KA 5000A 3P
Manual motor starters MMS
MMS32S & MMS32H manual motor starters
MMS motor starter accessories
Circutor metering products
Multi function power meters
M73121 compact CT 63A
M73122 compact CT 125A
M73123 compact CT 250A
CVM-E3-MINI ( M56414)
KWHR meters
CEM-C31 (Q23442
Eureka products
Eureka MCB / RCBO & RCD range
LSBE / LSBS MCB 1 pole 6 & 10kA
LSBE / LSBS MCB 2 pole 6 & 10kA
LSBE / LSBS MCB 3 pole 6 & 10kA
LSBI 1 pole isolators
LSBI 3 pole isolators
BKH MCB 1 pole 27mm 10kA
BKH MCB 2 pole 27mm 10kA
BKH MCB 3 pole 27mm 10kA
LSNO RCBO 1 pole compact 6kA
LSSO RCBO 1 pole RCBO 10kA
LSTO RCBO 3 pole RCBO 10kA
LSR 2 & 4 pole RCD
Eureka MCB chassis
Eureka ELS6-XX-18EM1 MCB chassis
Eureka ELS6-XX-27EM1 MCB chassis
Eureka ELS6-XX-181 MCB chassis
Eureka ELS6-XX-182 400A MCB Chassis
Eureka ELS6-XX-271 MCB chassis
Eureka ELS6-XX-272 400A MCB Chassis
Eureka ELS6-XX-1827EM1 MCB chassis
Eureka ELS6-XX-18271 MCB chassis
NAW ELS6-XX-18272 400A MCB Chassis
Eureka Nysol8-DF,SF chassis
Eureka MCCB chassis
LS63050-XXDF-DS MCCB Chassis
LS63050-XXDF-SS MCCB Chassis
LS63050-XXTF-DS MCCB Chassis
LS63050-XXTF-SS MCCB Chassis
LS80050-XXDF-DS MCCB Chassis
LS80050-XXDF-SS MCCB Chassis
LS80050-XXTF-DS MCCB Chassis
LS80050-XXTF-SS MCCB Chassis
Earth and Neutral bars
EUR-3-250 Load break switch
PL22 metered pilot lights
PL22-ACVM voltmeter AC
PL22-DCVM voltmeter DC
PL22-AMM Ammeter
PL22-ACAMMVM Ammeter / Voltmeter
PL22-HZ frequency meter
Fan kits FLK range
FLK6621 116 x 116 x 57 fan
FLK6622 148 x 148 x 67 fan
FLK6623 204 x 204 x 95 fan
FLK6625 255 x 255 x 117 fan
FLK6626 323 x 323 x 142 fan
Plastic Din Load centres
EUR8-ST E+N 8 pole
EUR12FW-M E+N 12 pole flush
EUR12-ST E+N 12 pole
EUR18FW-M E+N 18 pole flush
EUR18-ST E+N 18 pole
EUR24FW-M E+N 24 pole flush
EUR24-ST E+N 24 pole
EUR36FW-M E+N 36 pole flush
EUR36-ST E+N 36 pole
CM metal load centres
C&S Change over and load break switches
CSCS change over switches
CSCS63DM4CO 63A 4 pole
CSCS80DM4CO 80A 4 pole
CSCS100DM4CO 100A 4 pole
CSCS125DM4CO 125A 4 pole
CSCS160DM4CO 160A 4 pole
CSCS200DM4CO 200A 4 pole
CSCS250DM4CO 250A 4 pole
CSCS315DM4CO 315A 4 pole
CSCS400K4CO 400A 4 pole
CSCS630K4CO 630A 4 pole
CSCS800K4CO 800A 4 pole
CSCS1000K4CO 1000A 4 pole
CSCS1200K4CO 1200A 4 pole
CSCS1250K4CO 1250A 4 pole
CSCS1600K4CO 1600A 4 pole
CSCS1800K4CO 1800A 4 pole
CSSD load break switches
CSSD 63K3 63A 3 pole
CSSD 125DM3 125A 3 pole
CSSD 250DM3 250A 3 pole
CSSD 250DM4 250A 4 pole
CSSD400K3 400A 3 pole
CSSD 400K4 400A 4 pole
CSSD630K3 630A 3 pole
CSSD 630K4 630A 4 pole
CSSD800K3 800A 3 pole
CSSD 800K4 800A 4 pole
CSSD1000K3 1000A 3 pole
CSSD 1000K4 1000A 4 pole
CSSD1250K3 1250A 3 pole
CSSD 1250K4 1250A 4 pole
CSSD1600K3 1600A 3 pole
CSSD 1600K4 1600A 4 pole
CSSD2500K3 2500A 3 pole
CSSD 2500K4 2500A 4 pole
CSSD3150K3 3150A 3 pole
CSSD 3150K4 3150A 4 pole
Rishabh CT's
Solid core CT's RCT
RCT1 - RISH XMER 62-30
RCT2 - RISH XMER 74-30.
RCT3 - RISH XMER 86-60
RCT4 - RISH XMER 104-80
RCT5 - RISH XMER 140-100
Split core CT's RSCT
Eaton products
Eaton MCB chassis
EATON EAT-XX-27EM1 250A MCB Chassis
EATON EAT-XX-181 250A MCB Chassis
EATON EAT-XX-182 400A MCB Chassis
EATON EAT-XX-271 250A MCB Chassis
EATON EAT-XX-272 400A MCB Chassis
EATON EAT-XX-1827EM1 250A MCB Chassis
EATON EAT-XX-18271 250A MCB Chassis
EATON EAT-XX-18272 400A MCB Chassis
GEN3 Industrial switches and plug sets IP66
AI 1 and 3 phase Appliance Inlets
CO1 & 3 1 Phase and 3 Phase Combination Switched S
Deep Mounting Enclosures Bases
Enclosure Mounting Covers
PLA 1 & 3 Phase Angled Plugs
PLS 1 & 3 Phase Straight Plugs
S2P & S3P 2 pole and 3 pole Switches, 3 pole Chang
SCA & SCO 1 Phase and 3 Phase Surface Socket Outle
SCO 1 & 3 Phase Plugs and Extension Sockets
Product data sheets
Eureka electrical products catalogues
Eureka Distribution Board and enclosure system
Eureka distribution board & enclosure system v4
Eureka MDB DB range
Eureka LDB DB Lite range
Eureka AB enclosures
Eureka CBB enclosures
Eureka Distribution board rain hoods
Eureka Distribution board plinths
Eureka Distribution board segregation kits
Eureka Distribution board metering kits set up
Eureka Distribution board escutcheons
Eureka Distribution board cable zones
Eureka Distribution board incoming cable encl
Eureka MCB & RCBO range catalogues
Eureka MCB LSBE range
Eureka MCB LSBS range
Eureka MCB BKH range
Eureka RCBO LSSO & LSTO range
Eureka RCBO LSNO range
Eureka MCB LSKBI range
Eureka MCB chassis catalogues
Eureka ELS6 MCB chassis 250A
Eureka ELS6 MCB chassis 400A
Eureka NYSOL8 MCB chassis
Eureka MCCB chassis catalogues
Eureka 630A Single sided MCCB chassis
Eureka 630A Double sided MCCB chassis
Eureka 800A Single sided MCCB chassis
Eureka 800A Double sided MCCB chassis
LS Electric product catalogues
Metasol contactors and overloads
Metasol MC standard frame contactors
Metasol MT standard frame overloads
GMC Mini frame contactors
GTK Mini frame overloads
Susol moulded case circuit breakers catalogues
Susol 100,160 & 250A MCCB's
Susol 400, 630 & 800A MCCB's
Susol 1000, 1250 & 1600A MCCB's
Susol 160A 1 pole MCCB's
Susol DSU Isolators
Susol MCCB handle kits
Susol - Metasol Air circuit breakers
LS manual motor starters
Eaton product catalogues
Eaton motor control products
Eaton RMQ 22mm control devices catalogue
Eaton MCB's & RCBO'S catalogues
Eaton MCB / RCBO & RCD range
Eaton EAT MCB chassis catalogues
Eaton EAT MCB chassis 250A
Eaton EAT MCB chassis 400A
Eaton NZM moulded case circuit breakers
CVS Enclosures catalogues
CVS wall mount enclosures catalogues
CVS mild steel wall mount enclosures catalogue
CVS 304 & 316 Stainless catalogues
CVS wall mount enclosures inner door kit catalogue
CVS Free standing enclosures
CVS Bayable enclosures
Product operation manuals
Circutor programming and operation manuals
CEM-C21 KWHR meters
CEM-31 KWHR meters
RGU & RGU-10C earth leakage relays
MYEBOX power analyser's
Eureka ATS units operation manuals
Eureka MCCB ATS to 630A operation manual
Eureka XLDQ3NX ATS operation manual
Eureka ATS XLS3 operation manual
LS Electric product operation manuals
LS MCCB trip unit settings
TS100, 160 & 250 thermal Mag & Electronic
TS400, 630 & 800 Electronic
TS1600,1250 & 1000 Electronic
GMP electronic overloads
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Relay Square Pin 4 Pole 24VAC 11 Pin 10A with LED
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